Carbon Sequestration
Kelp are essentially the ocean’s equivalent of trees. They absorb carbon dioxide and nitrogen compounds, helping clean the atmosphere while capturing up to 20 times more carbon per acre than land forests. They also provide a vital habitat for a broad range of marine life; without them, entire ocean ecosystems would crumble.

Economic Impact
Kelp will move us away from an extraction based economy to one that is completely regenerative with cultivated kelp based products replacing extraction products.

Regenerative Marine Building System
SeaBrick is an interlocking, buoyant, brick system composed primarily of kelp biomass and designed to support the marine sector in the journey to decarbonization.
Sustainable Building for the Marine Sector
Seabricks will provide an alternative to hollow metal or concrete for marine infrastructure. It will be used for a vast variety of purposes including:
Large vessels such as barges, cargo ships and floating airports
Tidal infrastructure including breakwaters, wave gates, docks, bridges etc.
Offshore power generation platforms such as wind, wave, sun, tidal energy.
Industrial mariculture platforms, such as seaweed, fish, algae, shellfish farms
Floating homes and extensions to cities and islands facing rising ocean levels
Sustainable Infrastructure
Seabricks will provide an alternative to hollow metal or concrete for marine infrastructure.
Decarbonizing Ocean Vessels
Seabricks can be used as a carbon sequestering building material to construct barges and ships.
Carbon Sequestration
Each cubic meter will sequester about 200kg of carbon, as opposed to about 250 kg carbon emitted by a cubic meter of concrete.
Environmentally Safe
The SeaBrick Open Licence will require all seabrick producers to use only environmentally safe methods of production.
Addressing Inequality
By utilizing a collaborative community model and cooperatives with local ownership, we are providing economic sovereignty.
Kelp has a regenerative effect on marine ecosystems; Kelp absorbs CO2 from the water and reduces acidification.
Recyclable and Multi-Use
When a structure comes to its end of life, it can be disassembled and the live seabrick it is made of can be repurposed in other structures.
Addressing Dislocation
Seabrick will allow people to preserve coastal habitat and extend that habitat slowly into the ocean.
Low Cost and Scalable
The raw ingredients for SeaBrick – kelp and pelagic clay – are available almost without limit. SeaBrick production will not be energy intensive or require advanced technology.
Game Changing
People in the 21st century have been looking to space as the new frontier. Unlike Mars, there is abundant air, water, life, food and energy. All we have to do is create a floating brick.

We are a member of the Safe Seaweed Coalition